Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Design Notes

One of the challenges faced when writing Warriors of the Red Planet was making it, seamlessly I hope, serve a few different purposes as an RPG.

First, it needed to be a fun pickup game. Obviously, most people running vintage fantasy RPGs are running them firmly (some less firmly than others) in the Sword & Sorcery realm. I want WotRP to be something that anyone familiar with the fundamental rules structure of D&D's earliest editions and variants can just grab off their shelf, roll on the Random Adventure Generation table, and run a "one-off" session when ever the mood strikes the group.

Second, it needed to be a sourcebook compatible with what people are already using. Some Refs aren't interested in running a Sword & Planet game at all, but love to drop the odd Banth, radium pistol, or airship into their current game at a whim. I want WotRP to be the book that's constantly sitting under your 1E DMG, Swords & Wizardry rulebook, or Moldvay Basic book, waiting to be pulled out and flipped through when a little extra "something" is needed for the regular weekly Greyhawk game.

Third, it needed to facilitate long-term play for those who do want to run full-scale, balls-to-the-wall, Sword & Planet or Dying Earth style campaigns. I want WotRP to be a book that's meaty enough to constantly be sitting on top of your 1E DMG, etc, with those other books being pulled out and flipped through when a little extra "something" is needed for the regular weekly Techno-Sorcerers of Barsoom game.

To fill all three of those design goals, WotRP needed to be both "Basic" and "Advanced" at the same time! How the f#@! are you supposed to do that? The secret, it turns out, was hiding in the character classes of WotRP themselves...

To be continued.


  1. I shall read on with interest - currently working on my own light game for my son and his friends.

  2. I am very, very excited for this book. :)

  3. Can't wait for this book... :D

  4. Definitely holding breath for this one. Sounds awesome!

  5. OOOOOooooohhhh, this is going to be awesome!

  6. I'm very excited by this. This going to be the first RPG I run in my store. :-)

  7. This along with The Drune's Humanspace Empires project and the new edition of Carcosa are the OSR products that I am MOST looking forward to. One can only play pseudo-Medieval, Tolkien pastiches for so long until role-playing gets really boring.

  8. I will buy and read with enthusiasm,
    then 'liberate' all the best tables and goodies for my HOME campaign ; - )

  9. I too am very interested in this project. Can't wait for the secret...
